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Patient Information


We are a mixed billing practice (gap payment required) with an exemption to anyone on a valid concession card as well as children under the age of 16. Full payment required for non-Medicare card holders. Please note we do not bulk bill on weekends or public holidays. 


There are several services that do not attract a Medicare rebate. Such services would include: Pre-employment medical examinations and reports, commercial driving licence assessments. For information regarding the fee schedule and length of appointment required for such services please ask at reception. All Work cover/ Motor Vehicle Accident consultations must be paid for on the day until a Claim number has been given to the reception staff.


Prescriptions & Referrals

Generally we like to see patients when requesting a repeat prescription to review your health and limit overuse/misuse. Please be aware that certain script are not appropriate to be prescribed without a face to face consult and so you may be asked by reception to book an appoint to come in.


We discourage prescriptions being issued by a Doctor without a consultation, but if this is authorised, it will incur a fee and will take 48 hours to be available for collection. This also applies for lost or repeat referrals.


After Hours Services

For after hours medical care please call :​

  • National Home Doctor Service on 13 74 25 (for a home visit)

  • MedVisit Home Doctor Service on 1300 3733 47 (for a home visit)

  • Hello Home Doctor on 134 100 or book online (for a home visit).

  • Call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 where a registered nurse will talk to you about your symptoms. They may offer you a call back or a video call from a GP who can provide advice.


If there is an emergency call 000 or go to your nearest Public Hospital.


Translating Services

The staff at Mawson Lakes Medical Centre would be happy to assist you in booking a translating/interpreting service to aid you during your consultations.


Please let staff know when making your booking so they have time to arrange. Need further assistance? Contact us and we will find the best solution to suit you. 










Privacy & Confidentiality

All patient information is private and confidentiality of patient information must be maintained at all times. The rights of every patient are to be respected. All information collected by this practice in providing a health service is deemed to be private and confidential.


Please ask our staff if you would like a full copy of our privacy policy.


Communication Policy

Notification of Test Results Policy

Please be advised that NO TEST RESULTS will be given over the phone by Reception staff. We have an efficient results service in place so if the doctor deems your results as “urgent”, you will receive a telephone call from either your GP or our Nursing staff. For any non-urgent results requiring a follow up appointment, you will be notified by mail or SMS.


If you would like to obtain your results, or would like to discuss them further, an appointment must be made with your GP. 


Email Policy

Communication with patients via electronic means is conducted with appropriate regard to privacy. Our practice will only provide information that is of a general, non-urgent nature that is in relation to the patient’s appointment.


Before obtaining and documenting the patient’s consent, patients are fully informed through information contained of the risks associated with electronic communication in that the information could be intercepted or read by someone other than the intended recipient. Our practice also has an automatic email response system set up so that whenever an email is received into the practice, the sender receives an automated message to ensure they are aware that the email is only used for the distribution of correspondence relating to the appointment. It is not for clinical advice or urgent care and it is not a way of communicating with the GP. They are then provided the practice phone number and asked to get in contact via phone.


This function is purely a way of sending information normally given at a face to face consult. It is a “do not reply” email and return emails are not monitored by staff. If there is a query, you must contact the Practice by phone.

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